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A Newborn Baby Was Reportedly Rescued From The Rubble In Syria

PARIS, France - - A baby girl has been rescued from the rubble of her home in northern Syria following Monday's massive earthquake.

Her umbilical cord was still attached to her mother when she was found, a relative told Agence France - Press. Her mother is believed to have died after giving birth.

''We heard a voice while we were digging'', cousin Khali al - Suwadi told the AFP on Tuesday. ''We cleared the dust and found the baby with the umbilical cord (intact), so we cut it and my cousin took her to hospital''.

The girl is now receiving treatment at a children's hospital in the town of Afrin. Pediatrician Hani Maaroug told AFP that she is stable but arrived with bruises, lacerations, and hypothermia.

The baby is the sole survivor of her immediate family, according to Suwadi. They lived in a five-story apartment building that was leveled by the quake.


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